The Gift of Changed Perception

2022 – What a year!

Most of my friends and community have shared that they have found 2022 tiring. I certainly have. Have you?

With a moderate sense of normalcy post-COVID, I am sure, like me, many of you dragged yourself into 2022 with the lag effect of the pandemic. A reality that saw most of us impacted economically and, more importantly, emotionally and mentally.

Despite feeling exhausted, I decided 2022 would be a great year with the implementation of a dream I had in 2012.

My dream: The launch of the Dare to Be Love Online Workshop content by 18 April 2022.

Well, that didn’t happen.

After briefing my web designer, he informed me that we needed to build a completely new website, as the technology of my old website was not going to withstand all that I wanted to make available on the Dare to Be Love platform.


Had I known what I was taking on, I would never have started.

But isn’t that the journey of life?

We have a dream, pray for the miracle, and then step into the ‘doing part’ of manifesting the miracle. Then, BAM! The Universe presents us with a challenge, and then another, and so on.

I have fallen over so many times this year I no longer feel the fall. Not because it isn’t real, but because the beauty of the hardship I have faced over the last three years has reminded me to practice all that I talk and write about: finding the courage to Be Love, despite the turmoil.

With the January 2023 launch of my new website and online workshops, I am dancing out of 2022 with additional callouses, older and more humbled by the magnificence of the challenges. The reason: I am more joyful than ever due to the work I choose to do, to stay grounded and conscious. I have learned so much from how the last three years have ripped into me, only to be reminded daily that when I show up integrated in body, mind, soul and Spirit, I can Be Love and manifest the miracle of changed perception.

The beauty of this practice to Be Love reminds me to get on my cushion, be silent, and listen to the wisdom, grace, and courage that Universal Wisdom has to share: the gift of knowledge to consciously practice being a Being of Love, so that I can thrive, dance, and flow through each day. Even the rough days, and there were many!

Thank you, Universe.

To you the Dare to Be Love community, and all others that have supported, encouraged and loved me, I am deeply grateful.

I wish you all a joyful holiday season and the courage to Be Love!

I know 2023 will be joyful, no matter the mountains I might have to climb, as I believe in miracles.

Spread joy!

With love always,


Spiritual Revolutionary and Student of Love


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