
Nat 11


It was on an in breath,
when I realised I was aware.
It was on an out breath,
when I realised why.

It was on an in breath,
when I realised it was the light of the full Colorado moon.
It was on an out breath,
when I realised it was the sun parting her bright dawn.

It was on an in breath,
when I realised it was morning.
It was on an out breath,
when I realised I was awake.

Copyright© Jacqui Burnett 2013

Click to read more Poetry

6 Responses

  1. That poem is beautiful -the photo stunning! Your poem has such a tranquillity about it, and a cadence that easy breathing settles into. Thanks for sharing that piece of you!

  2. Great poem! Bhuddists teach that we are always in changing states of consciousness. This illustrates that beautifully,. In fact, it makes it more clear. xo Erin

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